Our NCG portfolio is one of the most comprehensive sets of immunodeficient mouse models available for both non-profit and for-profit users, making it ideal for cancer immunotherapy research using cell derived xenograft (CDX), patient derived xenograft (PDX), and immune system reconstitution using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as well as human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). NCG and all strains of next-generation NCG mice are developed using gene editing technology on pure inbred NOD/ShiLtJGpt background, by knocking out the Prkdc (Protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide) and Il2rg (interleukin-2 receptor subunit gamma) genes. Currently, we have more than 100 cell derived xenografts (CDXs) to accompany our NCG strains utilized in preclinical efficacy and safety studies.

Advantages of GemPharmatech’s Severe Immunodeficient Mouse Models:
Our comprehensive portfolio of NCG and next-generation NCG mice enables excellent engraftment of human PBMCs, HSCs, and human tumor tissues.
Our proprietary NCG strains have an extended life span of greater than 90 weeks—approximately 15 weeks longer than for other severe immunodeficient mouse models.
One of our next-generation NCG strains, NCG-X, enables engraftment in the absence of irradiation, promising better animal health
Our collection of CDXs provide a renewable source of patient tumor materials that can be used for a variety of research applications.