
NCG-X|Strain NO.T003802

Point mutation (PM)

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Strain Name: NOD/ShiLtJGpt-Prkdcem26Cd52Il2rgem26Cd22kitem1Cin(V831M)/Gpt
Strain Number: T003802
Official Symbol: Kit
Strain Strategy: T003802.NCG-X strain info.pdf
Official Full Name: KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase
Also Known As: Bs,CD117,Fdc,Gsfsco1,Gsfsco5,Gsfsow3,SCO1,SCO5,SOW3,Ssm,Tr-kit,W,c-KIT
NCBI Number: 16590
MGI Number: 96677
Chromosome: 5
Research Areas: Humanized model,Humanization of the immune system,Immunodeficiency
Strain Background: [N000235] NOD/ShiLtJGpt
Modification Type: Point mutation (PM)
Inventory Status: Live,Cryopreserved
Sale Status: IF (Available for Distribution)
Health Status: Specific pathogen free (SPF)
Health Report: Please log in to view
Publications: 1. Epigenetic inactivation of ERF reactivates γ-globin expression in β-thalassemia2. Hypoxia drives hematopoiesis with the enhancement of T lineage through eliciting arterial specification of hematopoietic endothelial progenitors from hESC3. Tumor cell-released kynurenine biases MEP differentiation into megakaryocytes in individuals with cancer by activating AhR-RUNX14. Tumor-derived exosomal linc00881 induces lung fibroblast activation and promotes osteosarcoma lung migration5. Therapeutic adenine base editing of human hematopoietic stem cells6. Efficient and in situ correction of hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation by prime editing in human hematopoietic cells7. NLRP12/C1qA positive feedback in tumor-associated macrophages regulates immunosuppression through LILRB4/NF-κB pathway in lung adenocarcinoma
Gene Family: CD moleculesImmunoglobulin like domain containingReceptor tyrosine kinases