FAQs on the IBD Model: Insights and Answers

July 26, 2023

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an enigmatic group of chronic disorders that affect millions of individuals worldwide. It can occur in both children and adults and is characterized by chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, leading to significant disruptions in daily life. The prevalence of IBD has been progressively increasing in recent decades, with estimates suggesting that it affects a significant number of people globally, including approximately 3 million males and 3.9 million females. In the United States alone, there are 1.6 million diagnosed cases, with most individuals being diagnosed before the age of 35[1].


Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)[1]

Recently, GemPharmatech organized a themed lecture focusing on the latest breakthroughs in IBD research and animal models. Our presentation provided a comprehensive summary of the underlying mechanisms of IBD, current treatment approaches, cutting-edge research trends, and the potential solutions offered by animal models.

To enhance the understanding of IBD, we have compiled some frequently asked questions from our presentation. These questions aim to address common concerns and provide clarity on various aspects of IBD.

Q1: What animal models are available to evaluate the efficacy of antibody drugs for IBD?

There are two main types of animal models used to assess the efficacy of antibody drugs for IBD. The first type involves genetically modified mice with humanized target genes combined with chemically induced colitis models such as DSS and DNBS. This approach allows researchers to investigate the therapeutic benefits of drugs.

The second type uses immunodeficient mice with reconstituted human immune systems in combination with chemically induced colitis models. This model is particularly useful for evaluating the regulatory effects of antibody drugs on the humanized immune system. These methodologies provide valuable tools for testing immunotherapy drugs in the context of IBD.

Q2: When it comes to treating IBD, how should we regard the use of microbial preparations?

Microbes have the ability to modulate the immune microenvironment of the intestines, thereby influencing the course of IBD. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has emerged as a promising treatment approach, highlighting the importance of microbes in IBD management. To assess the efficacy of microbial preparations for IBD, it is currently recommended to conduct assessments within a humanized gut microbiota environment. GemPharmatech's Microbiome Platform is equipped to meet these requirements, providing a valuable resource for studying the impact of microbial interventions in the context of IBD.


Q3: What are the differences between the IL-10 KO mouse model and the DSS/DNBS colitis models?

The IL-10 KO mouse model has unique benefits and characteristics that distinguish it from the DSS and DNBS colitis models. Unlike conventional mouse models, IL-10 KO mice spontaneously develop colitis without any additional inducing factors. This inherent feature facilitates the investigation of colitis development in a more realistic and disease-relevant scenario. Additionally, this animal model displays varying levels of colitis severity, from moderate to severe, making it suitable for evaluating the long-term efficacy of administered medicines. Moreover, the IL-10 KO mouse model serves as a useful tool for studying the complex immunological and microbiota-related mechanisms underlying colitis, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between these factors and the pathophysiology of IBD.


Q4: Which model, acute or chronic colitis, better simulates IBD?

The chronic colitis model closely mirrors the disease progression and pathological phenotype observed in IBD patients, providing a more accurate representation of relevant disease characteristics. However, constructing such a model poses challenges, including longer time requirements and increased difficulty. Researchers need to consider factors such as the desired observation period and specific drug characteristics when deciding between the acute model and the chronic enteritis model. By taking these factors into account, researchers can make a comprehensive decision that aligns with their specific research goals and requirements.


Q5: How does GemPharmatech ensure stability during model construction?

To ensure the stability of the colitis model during its construction, GemPharmatech focuses on two key aspects:

  • Infrastructure: GemPharmatech maintains a comprehensive infrastructure consisting of fully equipped software and hardware facilities. Additionally, our technical personnel undergo rigorous and specialized training before being assigned to their roles. This ensures the establishment of a standardized system that guarantees smooth experimentation processes.

  • Technological expertise: GemPharmatech has conducted extensive research and development to identify and establish optimal technical conditions for maintaining stability in various types of IBD models. By adhering to these conditions, we are confident that we can meet the standards of providing clients with stable technical services.



1. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/inflammatory-bowel-disease